Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gentle Readers?

I've been reading other blogs and I've wondered what this means "Gentle Readers"? I've noticed it in books as well. so I wonder what you think it means? Gentle Readers? Hmmm

Love Letter to Lysander

My dearest Lysander,

The stars seem unusually bright tonight, though they pale in comparison to your iridescent blue eyes. I could get lost in them forever. I stop myself from staring because I don’t want you to know my true feelings about you.

It’s funny; a simple three word phrase makes me mute when I try to utter it. You, on the other hand, have no trouble saying it to any woman we come across as we travel across Greece. I didn’t mind at first, but now… I feel ready to tell you how I feel about you. I do love you.

I started to fall in love with you when you shoved me out of the way of that log trap and I took care of you for several weeks, I saw your vulnerable side. I fought with you because I didn’t know house else to show you that I cared for you.
Yes it was childish, but you have to remember that I didn’t really have a childhood. After those several weeks, I started to watch you as you interacted with other people. You noticed, remember? You asked me why I wasn’t argumentative. Well it was because I was watching you.

Even if I don’t say anything, I do appreciate the compliments that you give me. As you know by now, I’m not a very open person, so it’s hard for me to share my emotions.
I do love you, I will always love you.

Love forever yours,

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Dreary Days of Winter and Loss

The Dreary Days of Winter and Loss

Stephanie Eckhardt

A Dreary Day
No Cares, Really?
Why is it when
We have overcast
And grey skies
It makes everything
Dark and Depressing?

Laughter is gone
Happiness takes a vacation
The Solemn and Sadness
Twins pay a visit.

Why is it that
Dreary days make
Loss ever so
Deeper and harder to
Cope with.

Darker days
Never seem to end
The sunny days of
Ever seem so
Very far away!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Here's another Poem that I wrote shortly after my father's death


There’s no phone lines in Heaven
There’s no postal service to the pearly Gates,
Email can’t reach, and will get lost in Hyperspace.

Airmail, telegraph, smoke signal,
Nothing will reach that seemingly
Impermeable barrier

Except one thing.
One little thing called a